jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

A place that I would like to visit.


Resultado de imagen para spain

A country that I would like to go how you can see in the picture is Spain. I have a lot of reasons to want to go to this place, but I going to tell you just two of them. My first reason is that my favorite music is from this country. I love Spain’s rock and the “flamenco”, so I always want to go to see my favorites bands on live.
A second reason is that I think that Spain mixes two cultures than I consider very interesting, especially in the architecture, I’m talking about Islamic and Occidental cultures. I will love to make pictures of  the landscapes of this country.

On the other hand, what I know about this place? Well, just the classic things that you can learn in history class in the school, and other things about the anarchy revolution of 1936-1939, but I think that going to this place I would learn to much things.

The things that I want to do in Spain, are, going to concerts of my favorite bands, take pictures in iconic landscapes and maybe study one semester.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

My dog.

He is my dog. His name is Cototo, but the most part of time we call him "Toto". He is a withe and fat poodle, and is very scary and loyal and all in my house love him. I met him in the 2012, when I was seventeen years old, and he two months old. It was a present from my ex-boyfriend.

In a couple of days Cototo will be five years old! I bought for him twelve balloons, because he loves play with balloons.

Others things that my dog loves do is sleep and eat, so I’m thinking what food can a given to him the day of him birthday. Maybe I should buy ham or some bones, whatever, I hope that my family buy something for him too.

Sometimes I think in the day that Cototo dies and I feel so sad, I can’t imagine my life without him or with another dog because Toto is my first dog, but he is only four years old, soon five years old and is a poodle so, I hope to have Cototo for a long time more, and maybe, when I die I will see him again, because maybe the heaven is the place where are all the dogs that you loved one time.