miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

My dog.

He is my dog. His name is Cototo, but the most part of time we call him "Toto". He is a withe and fat poodle, and is very scary and loyal and all in my house love him. I met him in the 2012, when I was seventeen years old, and he two months old. It was a present from my ex-boyfriend.

In a couple of days Cototo will be five years old! I bought for him twelve balloons, because he loves play with balloons.

Others things that my dog loves do is sleep and eat, so I’m thinking what food can a given to him the day of him birthday. Maybe I should buy ham or some bones, whatever, I hope that my family buy something for him too.

Sometimes I think in the day that Cototo dies and I feel so sad, I can’t imagine my life without him or with another dog because Toto is my first dog, but he is only four years old, soon five years old and is a poodle so, I hope to have Cototo for a long time more, and maybe, when I die I will see him again, because maybe the heaven is the place where are all the dogs that you loved one time.

1 comentario:

  1. aaawww <3 dogs <3 how can you not to love them??
    at the end, your family bought some special food for his birhday?
