jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

My ambition.

Resultado de imagen para valdivia

Hello everybody!

Today I’m gonna talk about my biggest ambition.

I’m not sure that my ambition will be the same for all my life, but, today I’m want to live in the south of the country, having a house with a vegetable garden and working like teacher of sociology (I hope, of theory) in the University of Valdivia.

I want achieve this because I’m tired of the pollution and noise, and the bad people that exist in Santiago, and in the last summer I traveled to Puerto Montt and Chiloé, and in both place I knew another way to live, a way more calm, more pacific, more slowly, and the most important, I saw so much people happy (difficult thing to see in Santiago). After this travel, I started to think how can live in this place (or nearly) and have this kind of life without throw away my career. So, one day I listen to a friend that in Valdivia will be open the Sociology’s career very soon, so I started to take assistantship to have the competent curriculum for being teacher. I think that this mix of things, be an academic of the sociology and have a life in the farm, is the best combination that could present to me, especially (and this is the reason for that I would like to achieve this ambition) because of this way I could reset of the noisy Santiago and I could connecting me with the nature without throw away all this years in the university.

If I can fulfill my ambition, it will mean to me started of zero, and a big progress in my idea of living better than now, and if I have children, in give to them a better life –I think- that the life and childhood that I had.


7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I think it is a really nice ambiton. I'd love to live around Valdivia. It ias a great place.

  3. I think the south of this country is the best place to live, is a great choice

  4. Well, is a difficult path but I wish for you a very good luck

  5. The south is awesome, I go all summers and I would live happy there!

  6. The south is the ebst place to live, I am happy for you and your ambition, you are in the right way :)
