jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016


Hello everybody!
Today I’m gonna talk about a practice activity and my results.
In the activity I had to do three exercises about reading, two about listening and one exercise about vocabulary. My best score was on reading activities, in both I have the maxims score, but, for another side, in the activity about vocabulary I had 25 correct answer of 33. For this reason I think that I need work more on vocabulary, because there a lot of words that I don’t know and if I don’t have so many vocabulary it will be difficult that I can read, listen and talk English very well.

We’ll see as, bye!

7 comentarios:

  1. ooh I have the same problem, maybe can study together

  2. you were better thyan me, I scored 19 in vocubulary >.<

  3. OH! I had the same score than you in vocabulary!

  4. congratulantions for you score in read and listen :) lucky with vocabulary :)

  5. Hello! I hope that you continued to practice in the vocabulary!

  6. The vocabulary was my worst score too :( we can practice together!! :)

  7. You have goods results! congratulantions!
