jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

the job that I would like to have

"Something with woman".

Resultado de imagen para feminism

Hello everybody!

Today I’m gonna try to talk about the job that I would like to have. Why I’m saying “try”? Because now I’m in a “vocational crisis” or maybe in an “existentialist crisis”. I really don’t have idea about what I want to do with my life. I don’t have idea if I want to have children, if I want working like sociologist, if I want live in Santiago, I don’t know nothing. But, putting me in the place of a very good sociology’s student maybe I would like work in a municipality.

I like the idea of work in a municipality because I think that is a good form to be closer with the people and help them a lot. Before my existentialist crisis I wanted work with woman, because I’m considerate very closer and agree with the feminism, and I think that a part of feminist’s fight have to be make aware the woman about the our oppress condition in this system.

I don’t know exactly what will be the functions in a job like that, but, I think that a qualities or skills that could help me in this kind of job are the empathy, the patient, and the love for find new knowledge (academic and the knowledge result of the job with other woman, of the experiences).

I think that the satisfaction that this job would bring to me is make this world or at least the borough where I will work, a place freer of patriarchy’s oppression, a place where the woman can speaker high when she feels forced, humiliated or assault.
Finally I think that with or without this job, is very important that the woman fights all the time, in our house, in the street, in the school, in the university, well, in all the places that we can, against the patriarchy.


jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

What I'm reading now


Hello everybody! Today I’m gonna talk about the things that I’m reading right now.
First, I want to say that with the university rhythm, I can’t read so much, so, what I’m reading now are academic things for a subject called “Técnicas Cualitativas”.
Well, in this subject we have to choose one research problem and locate it in a specific community and work with them all the scholar year. The research problem that my group and I choose was the “Sociology of disability” and we are working with a pedagogic school which students are autistic or have some cognitive damage. For this reason, what I’m reading now are papers and research about Sociology of disability, so, as you can see, they are all academic texts.
I’m enjoying reading academic papers about Sociology of disability because I think that is a very abandon topic for the sociology and the social sciences in general, and I think that is very important to know about this topic. For other side, I have a brother with autism (students of the school where we are working) so is a very valuable knowledge to my personal and familiar life too.
Finally I want say little things that I learn about all the papers that I read. First, I learn that the handicap is a mix of a biologic aspect and social aspect, so, despite the physic or mental problem exist and you can’t overlook this, people etiquette handicaps persons like inferiors for the social consensus that you have to be functional for the system (productive system). Secondly, I learn that is crucial to change the way to see the handicapped, passing of the “personal tragedy” to a “social etiquette”. And finally I learned that all the intents to include the handicap persons are in reality, attempts to “normalize them” but not let them be like they are.
I'll see you the next week.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

My best friend Gaby :)

Hello everybody!

Today I’m gonna talk about my best friend.
My best friend is called Gabriela, but I called her “Gaby”. I met Gaby on 2000, in my first day of school in kinder. I don’t remember very well how was the moment that I met her because I was only five years old, but I know that since this year we became friends.

My parents and the Gaby’s daddy make friends because we were friends, and for this reason, I pass a lot of time in her house and she did the same in my house. I mention this because I think that we grew up together because we pass around twelve hours together from Monday to Friday, so we have a lot of common things like our outfits, and the films that we like, the cartoons that we remember with nostalgic, the words that we use, and a lot to other things that I can’t see but that the other people see. Like anecdotally about this, when she beginning to work in my job all my work friends told me that they thought that she was my sister, no for her appearance, for her behavior.

Finally, I have to say that Gaby is my neighbor so I see her around once a week.


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

A present that I received

Cototo! (Again :B)


Today I’m gonna talk about the best present that I had received. This present is very special because have heart, and brain, and a lot of love for all in my house. I’m talking about –again- of my dog Cototo.  

Cototo comes to my house on my birthday number seventeen. He was a present from one ex-boyfriend called “Pablo”. He gave me Cototo because he had four dogs (Winny, Rambo, Rocky and Pipo) and I never could have one when I was a girl so I fall in love with his dogs and the animals in general and Pablo thought that a dog could be a great birthdays present, and he was right.

Why I liked Cototo? Because he was an adorable and little ball of hair, and he was very quiet and shy like me; he didn’t make any noise and at the same time, he never let me alone. Well, how can you know if you read the other post in this blog, Cototo is right now in my house and although he is not a little puppy now, I think that is the cutest puddle in the world, and I love you like the first day that I saw him.
