jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

My best friend Gaby :)

Hello everybody!

Today I’m gonna talk about my best friend.
My best friend is called Gabriela, but I called her “Gaby”. I met Gaby on 2000, in my first day of school in kinder. I don’t remember very well how was the moment that I met her because I was only five years old, but I know that since this year we became friends.

My parents and the Gaby’s daddy make friends because we were friends, and for this reason, I pass a lot of time in her house and she did the same in my house. I mention this because I think that we grew up together because we pass around twelve hours together from Monday to Friday, so we have a lot of common things like our outfits, and the films that we like, the cartoons that we remember with nostalgic, the words that we use, and a lot to other things that I can’t see but that the other people see. Like anecdotally about this, when she beginning to work in my job all my work friends told me that they thought that she was my sister, no for her appearance, for her behavior.

Finally, I have to say that Gaby is my neighbor so I see her around once a week.


3 comentarios:

  1. You are friends since kinder! So cute! I think having your best friend as a neighbor is a privilege!

  2. I think the same as Tamara, is a privilege have your best friend as a neighbour I would like to have my friends more close.

  3. With my friend, we like the same kind of movies too. That's great!!
